Dr Mo Private Clinic Private GP Norwich GP Expert Witness
Private GP Healthcare
7 North Park Avenue, Norwich, NR4 7EE
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Opening times
Mon-Fri 8am-8pm
Sat-Sun 9am-2pm
Closed dates
22 Dec 2025- 1 Jan 2026
- £99 per dose
- £112 per dose
- £112 per dose
- £207 per dose
- £86 per dose
- £118 per dose
- £213 per dose
- £104 per dose
- £101 per dose
- £163 per dose
- £231 per dose
- £191 per dose
- £131 per dose
- £192 per dose
- £116 per dose
- £150 per dose
- £125 per dose
- £127 per dose
- £305 per dose
- £135 per dose
- £296 per dose
- £131 per dose
- £87 per dose
BCG (Tuberculosis) Vaccine (AJV)
DOSE: 1 dose ( Adult 0.1ml ID, Children under 1 yr, 1 dose 0.05ml ID in the left arm). INFORMATION: BCG vaccination may be given concurrently with inactivated or live vaccines. No further vaccinations in the BCG arm for 3 months. AVOID IF: As it is a live vaccine, avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding, planning to become pregnant or you have an impaired immune system. Common side effects: Swollen lymph glands in armpit, blistering and eventual scar formation at site of injection. TB TESTING PRIOR TO VACCINE: A TB blood test is advised prior to vaccination if you are aged 6 or over, under 6 and resident or a stay more than 3 months in a country with a high rate of TB, if you live with / close contact of someone with TB or if there is a family history of TB within 5 years. This is because if someone has already previously been exposed to TB, administration of a TB vaccine can cause severe skin and soft tissue reactions. If any of these apply, do not book and contact us by email first.
£155 per dose
Chickenpox (varilrix or varivax)
DOSE: Age 9 -12 months, two doses 3 months apart. Age 12 months and older, two doses 6 weeks apart. IF TRAVELLING: Vaccine effective 6 weeks after the second dose. PROTECTION: Lifelong. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents, if you have had measles vaccine within last month and as it is a live vaccine, avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding, planning to become pregnant within three months or you have an impaired immune system.
£112 per dose
Cholera (dukoral)
DOSE: Age 2-6, Three doses orally 1 week apart. Adults and children aged 6+, Two doses orally 1 week apart, avoid food, drink and oral medicines 1 hour before and after. IF TRAVELLING: The second dose needs to be given at least 1 week before your trip. PROTECTION: Two years. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents or to formaldehyde, or if you have an acute stomach disorder.
£112 per dose
Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio (revaxis)
DOSE: Age 6+ One dose if you have had the vaccine before. If you have never had it before you need 3 doses at 0, 1, 2 months and boosters at 5 years and 10 years. IF TRAVELLING: If having one dose, you need the vaccine two weeks before travel. PROTECTION: 10 years. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents or to neomycin, streptomycin or polymyxin B.
£86 per dose
Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Polio (boostrix polio)
DOSE: Age 3+ One dose if you have had the vaccine before. If you have never had it before you need 3 doses at 0, 1, 2 months and boosters at 5 years and 10 years. IF TRAVELLING: If having one dose, you need the vaccine two weeks before travel. PROTECTION: 10 years. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents or to neomycin, streptomycin or polymyxin B.
£118 per dose
(DTaP/ Hep B/IPV/Hib) (6-in-1) (Vaxelis)
DOSE: This is given to babies when they're 8, 12 and 16 weeks old. AVOID: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents, formaldehyde, neomycin or polymyxin, if your child has a severe infection with a high temperature (over 38°C), uncontrolled epilepsy or if your child has a tendency to seizures/fits due to a fever. If your baby was born very prematurely (at or before 28 weeks of gestation) longer gaps than normal between breaths may occur for 2-3 days after vaccination. These babies may require respiratory monitoring for 48-72h following vaccination.
£213 per dose
Hepatitis A (avaxim)
DOSE: Age 16 + One dose. Then a booster dose 6-12 months later. IF TRAVELLING: Need it two weeks prior to travel PROTECTION: One dose protects for 12 months. Two protect for up to 25 years. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents or to neomycin.
£104 per dose
Hepatitis B (engerix b)
DOSE: Age 16 +Three doses, at 0, 1 month, 2 months. If rapid immunity is required, at 0 days, 7 days and 21 days and a booster at 12 months. IF TRAVELLING: Need 3 doses with the final dose at least two weeks before travel. PROTECTION: The full duration of protection has yet to be established. Individuals at continuing risk should be offered a single booster dose at 5 years (once only). AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents
£101 per dose
HPV (Gardasil 9)
DOSE: Age 9 – 14 years, two doses at 0 months and 5-13 months. Age 15 years and above, three doses at 0, 2 and 3-6 months. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents.
£231 per dose
Japanese Encephalitis (Ixiaro)
DOSE: Age 3+ Two doses at 0 and 28 days. Or if rapid immunity required, 2 doses on day 0, 7 (aged 18 - 65 only). IF TRAVELLING: Vaccine effective 7 days after the second dose. PROTECTION: 1 year. For adults aged 18-64 at ongoing risk a single dose booster after 12 months is recommended. For low risk individuals give booster dose at 12-24 months. A further booster (4th dose) can be given at 10 years for those who remain at risk. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents, pregnant or breast feeding, epilepsy.
£191 per dose
Meningitis ACWY (nimenrix)
DOSE: Age 1+ One dose IF TRAVELLING: Vaccine required two weeks prior to travel PROTECTION: 5 years. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents, or to meningococcal polysaccharide, diphtheria toxoid, the CRM197 carrier protein or tetanus toxoid.
£131 per dose
Meningitis B (Bexsero)
DOSE: Infants 2 months to 5 months of age at the time of first dose: Three doses at the age of 8 weeks, 16 weeks and 1 year. For adults and age 11 +, two doses at 0 and 1 months. PROTECTION: Lifelong AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents, or to latex or kanamycin or if you take medication called eculizumab, if your child was born prematurely (before or at 28 weeks of pregnancy), particularly if they had breathing difficulties.
£192 per dose
MMR (priorix)
DOSE: Age 1+ Two doses at 0 and 1 months TRAVEL: Your second dose needs to be completed at least two weeks before travelling. PROTECTION: Lifelong AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents, or to neomycin or egg and as it is a live vaccine, avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding, planning to become pregnant within three months or you have an impaired immune system or infection.
£116 per dose
Pneumococcus Pneumonia (Prevenar 13)
DOSE: The UK vaccine schedule recommends that babies are offered 2 doses of pneumococcal vaccine, at 12 weeks and at 1 year of age. Additional PCV13 may be indicated for some risk groups. PROTECTION: Lifelong, except if no spleen, splenic dysfunction or chronic renal disease in which case 5 years. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents. Give one month apart from the Shingles vaccine.|
£150 per dose
Pneumococcus Pneumonia (Pneumovax 23)
DOSE: Age 2+ and adults 1 dose PROTECTION: Lifelong, except if no spleen, splenic dysfunction or chronic renal disease in which case 5 years. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents. Give 1 month apart from the Shingles vaccine.
£125 per dose
Rabies (BP, Rabipur or Verorab)
DOSE: All ages, three doses at 0, 7 and 28 days, alternatively as an accelerated schedule with three doses at 0, 3 and 7 days. IF TRAVELLING: Your last dose needs to be completed at least two weeks before travelling. PROTECTION: 10 years, then single booster if at intermittent risk. For those at high regular risk, a single booster at 1 year and then every 3-5 years. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents, or egg with rabipur, neomycin or betapropiolactone.
£127 per dose
Rotavirus (Rotarix)
DOSE: The vaccine is given as 2 doses, 4 weeks apart. Usually the first dose is given at 8 weeks of age, and the second dose at 12 weeks. The vaccine (1.5 ml liquid) will be given orally. AVOID: Avoid if your child was born with a malformation of the gut that could lead to intussusception, if your child has previously had intussusception. As it is a live vaccine, avoid if an impaired immune system or infection.
£135 per dose
Shingles (Zostavax)
DOSE: Adults over 50 years, one dose PROTECTION: Lifelong AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents or neomycin, give 1 month apart from the pneumococcal vaccine. As it is a live vaccine, avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding, planning to become pregnant within three months or you have an impaired immune system or infection.
£225 per dose
Shingles (Shingrix)
DOSE: Adults over 18 years, two doses 2 months apart. PROTECTION: Lifelong. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents.
£296 per dose
Tick Borne Encephalitis (ticovac)
DOSE: Age 16+Three doses at 0, 2-4 weeks and 6 months. IF TRAVELLING: You need to have received the second dose two weeks before travel. PROTECTION: Three years if the three vaccine course is completed. You can have a booster at three years and then every 3-5 years depending on your age if you are at continued risk of exposure. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents or allergy to egg, chicken, neomycin or gentamycin.
£131 per dose
Typhoid (typhim)
DOSE: Age 2+ One dose by injection. IF TRAVELLING: Need it two weeks prior to travel. PROTECTION: Three years, then you can have a booster at 3 years. AVOID IF: Allergic to vaccine or its constituents, or to formaldehyde.
£ 87 per dose