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The Complete Adult Health Screen

  • 399 British pounds

Service Description

This is a high specification complete adult health check for men and women. It includes a review of your medical history, family history, height, weight and BMI, body fat percentage, coronary risk score, blood pressure & pulse, targeted physical examination (heart, lungs, neurological, prostate/testicle if desired), skin & mole check with dermoscopy, spirometry lung function measurement, a resting 12 lead electrocardiogram, a full urine test of 10 parameters and a blood test for kidneys, liver profile, uric acid/gout, bone health profile, iron profile, cholesterol profile and glucose levels. Optional extras are unlimited and can include detailed blood tests for fatigue, vitamins, cancer markers, bowel cancer screening, private referral for imaging including MRI brain, CT coronary arteries, Chest X-ray, Ultrasound scan abdominal organs / pelvis, or referral for smear/mammogram. A full report is included.

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